It will take our lifetime and beyond to discover all that Love has prepared for humanity, and so let us remain open to Love as we live for Love with our whole lives.

It is nearly impossible to pin down everything this church believes. But here are few areas of faith that will give you a general idea.

Yes. The library of Hebrew and Christian scriptures provide the foundation for the teaching ministry at HCT.  We trust the timeless truth contained in these scriptures, and more importantly, we trust the Holy Spirit to show us what it all means for us today. We believe the Scriptures to be inspired by God, and penned through fallable humans. 

JESUS: Yes. Jesus the Christ, and we understand more all the time how Jesus is the word made flesh at a point in time, and also transcending time as the Christ before, or for, the foundation of the cosmos. Christ Jesus, the beloved of God, in whom the whole of humanity is placed.

HOLY SPIRIT: Yes. The living presence of God indwelling the receiver.

TRINITY: Yes! But what a topic to explore. 

BAPTISMS: Yes, all the kinds: spirit, water, figurative, literal, old and young.

HEAVEN: Yes. Now and later.

HELL: Yes and no. Let’s discuss this one together in person. If there is a hell, it is empty. 

Non-Discrimination Policy

HCT is an inclusive church. You are celebrated here. It is the continuing policy of House Church Tulsa to afford equal opportunities and a place to call home for all persons, regardless of their race, color, age, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religious background, disability, medical condition, or marital status. No person shall be excluded from participation in this community of faith, or be subjected to discrimination in any ministry, activity or facility of House Church Tulsa based on these factors.