Welcome to House Church Tulsa!

House Church Tulsa is a non-denominational church where people follow the message begun by Jesus and his first disciples and then by the early church described in the book of Acts. It’s not complicated or weird. We love one another as God loves us – fearlessly and wholeheartedly. We hold dearly this love in our weekly gatherings and carry it into the world, to everyone, every day.

The History

House Church Tulsa started a little by accident after a group of friends began meeting for food and prayer in the home of Pastors Bonnie and Heidi at the time. After a lot of discernment, prayer, and consideration, HCT officially began meeting January 2014 on Sundays at the house. We opened our doors to the community on Easter of the same year. HCT grew – and still grows– with an invitation to participate flourish in a community of faith where we explore theology, do life together, and practice loving one another like Jesus does.

Service Times: 

  • Sunday Mornings 10:30 am
  • Children's Church (Godly Play) & Nursery Every Sunday Morning 
  • Youth Group Meets on 1st and 3rd Sunday Mornings, same times.